Measuring and assessing the impact of the careers programme on pupils
At Lime Hills we believe it is very important to assess the impact of our careers programme on our pupils. We do this in a number of ways.
- 1. We identify and analyse the destinations of our Year 11 pupils taking into account their prior attainment. For Year 11 pupils, we record pathways including:
- GCSE Results
- Level 1 courses
- Level 2 courses
- Entry Level qualifications
- Employability certificates
- Unit Awards
The proportion of pupils going onto:
- Apprenticeships
- Traineeship
- FE College
- Employment with Training
- Other
- At risk of becoming NEET
- Tracking pupils from the end of Year 11, identifying and reviewing where pupils leave or change courses/apprenticeships.
- During the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms we will obtain the views of pupils on the Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) they received during their time at the academy. We ask all Year 11 to complete an on-line survey to find out their views on individual elements of the CEIAG programme and their overall assessment of the programme. In addition, our academy council chair will meet Year 11 pupils to find out more about what they liked and disliked about the careers programme and ways they believe it can be improved.
- We value the views of parents and carers on how well we have helped them to support their child or children make rational informed career decisions, this will be done by using an on-line survey for Year 11 pupils, results are then evaluated to help inform and improve the careers programme.
- Reviewing the Gatsby Benchmarks using the Compass Tool.