With a focus on creative arts, artisanship and agriculture children engaging with Lime Hills Academy will discover their talents within an individualised curriculum that focuses on developing strengths and building individual networks. As a result, upon graduation children are able to benefit from and contribute to their immediate community because their education has enabled them to understand themselves and their connection to the world around them.
Lime Hills Academy will create a curriculum experience which enables children and young people with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties to develop the skills, resilience and self-awareness to be successful in later life.
Each child will have a different range of needs and hence a different range of opportunities and therapies, and the curriculum will be designed around an understanding of the individual: no two curricula will look the same.
Many of the students at Lime Hills Academy join us with significantly lower ARE. Our curriculum mission is to get to the ARE knowledge and skills by the shortest route possible utilising the smaller classes and the ability to create a bespoke curriculum for each child.
The curriculum enables children to have self-agency, now and in adulthood, because of a developed sense of self and an awareness of their place in the world. This is the result of children seeking meaning and making connections as they build understanding from a foundation of knowledge and skills.
[Self-Agency: the ability to understand, shape, make decisions, control, develop and make things happen in your world that has a positive influence on those you choose to share your life with, personally and professionally.]