All students at Lime Hills Academy have an EHCP in place, where their primary need is SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health). These outline aspects of the support students may need, however, we also understand that students needs will change over time. To enable rapid progress we are constantly reviewing and adapting provision, offering a flexible approach to interventions needed and support on offer for each individual student. We operate in a trauma informed way, ensuring positive relationships are at the heart of all decisions that we make. We create a warm, caring and compassionate environment where students are encouraged to have fun, try new things and explore the world alongside their key adults and peers. Using PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, curiosity and Empathy) underpins how we build positive relationships and how we work to allow our young people to feel safe, accepted and able to learn.
Students at Lime Hills may need further assessments of SEND, the Deputy Principal and Principal will support this by working with families and professionals to ensure referrals are made in a timely manner or in house assessments/screeners are completed where possible to better understand students’ needs.
If you have any concerns please contact Ellie Street (Deputy Principal and SENCO) [email protected] or Lis Jolley (Principal) on [email protected].
North Somerset SEND Local Offer
SEND and you - Offer support to parents and young people around SEND.
National Autistic society - Offers support and advice to parents and young people.
Family Live - Information for parents/young people
At Lime Hills Academy we aim to promote the positive mental health and wellbeing of our students and staff. We recognise that our mental health and wellbeing is as important as our physical health, so we strive to create an environment which provides excellent support, understanding and intervention for our students to maintain a healthy mental health and wellbeing.
OTR (off the record) is a mental health and social movement run by young people for young people aged 11-18.
Kooth, is a free online service offering emotional and mental health support for children and young people, aged 11-25. Users can have a drop-in chat with a counsellor, therapist or book a one-to-one session. They have a monitored online forum and users can also record a journal.
Childline, is a 24-hour helpline for children and young people to discuss any issues they’re concerned about.