Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6)
By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will have been supported to:
- Complete a personal profile describing their strengths, skills and interests
- Be able to name at least 3 jobs/careers/sectors where they could use their strengths, skills and interests
- Take part in at least 2 employer led activities (visits to workplaces, guest employers, public services etc.)
- Take part in a group student voice activity / goldfish bowl
- Take part in an employability challenge
- Take part in a community challenge
Key Stage 3 (Year 7,8 and 9)
By the end of Key Stage 3, pupils will have been supported to:
- Complete a personal profile describing their strengths, skills and interests
- Be able to name at least 3 jobs/careers/sectors where they could use their strengths, skills and interests
- Be able to describe the main options in post-16 education or training
- Take part in at least 3 employer led activities (visits to workplaces, guest employers, public services etc.)
- Complete a first draft of a CV, a job application and a mock interview
- Make decisions about subjects and areas of interest for Key Stage 4 study including unit awards.
- Take part in at least two employability challenges
- List at least 3 ways to contribute to community and society
Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11)
All Year 11 pupils have their annual reviews in term 1 of Year 11 and we work with the LA on consults for Post 16 places.
By the end of Key Stage 4, pupils will have been supported to:
- Review and update your personal profile, describing your strengths, skills and interests
- Be able to name at least 3 jobs/careers/sectors that you would like to work in
- Describe the steps you need to take to enter your chosen job sectors/careers
- Describe the process of next steps for pupils with EHCPs
- Take part in at least 2 more employer led activities (visits to workplaces, guest employers, public services etc.)
- Update your CV
- Complete a job application
- Participate in a mock interview
- Take part in a work experience opportunity where appropriate
- Visit at least one local College of Further Education
- Speak to at least one apprenticeship provider
- Speak to at least one Higher Education provider
- Discuss your plans for the future with a qualified Careers Adviser and draft a Careers Action Plan
- Decide on a first and second choice option for post-16 education or training
- Complete applications and interviews for your first and second choice post-16 options
- List two go-to people who can support if plans need reviewing post 16.
Where possible we will accredit this through AQA unit awards.