Student Entitlements

Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6)

By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will have been supported to:

  • Complete a personal profile describing their strengths, skills and interests
  • Be able to name at least 3 jobs/careers/sectors where they could use their strengths, skills and interests
  • Take part in at least 2 employer led activities (visits to workplaces, guest employers, public services etc.)
  • Take part in a group student voice activity / goldfish bowl
  • Take part in an employability challenge
  • Take part in a community challenge

Key Stage 3 (Year 7,8 and 9)

By the end of Key Stage 3, pupils will have been supported to:

  • Complete a personal profile describing their strengths, skills and interests
  • Be able to name at least 3 jobs/careers/sectors where they could use their strengths, skills and interests
  • Be able to describe the main options in post-16 education or training
  • Take part in at least 3 employer led activities (visits to workplaces, guest employers, public services etc.)
  • Complete a first draft of a CV, a job application and a mock interview
  • Make decisions about subjects and areas of interest for Key Stage 4 study including unit awards.
  • Take part in at least two employability challenges
  • List at least 3 ways to contribute to community and society

Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11)

All Year 11 pupils have their annual reviews in term 1 of Year 11 and we work with the LA on consults for Post 16 places.

By the end of Key Stage 4, pupils will have been supported to:

  • Review and update your personal profile, describing your strengths, skills and interests
  • Be able to name at least 3 jobs/careers/sectors that you would like to work in
  • Describe the steps you need to take to enter your chosen job sectors/careers
  • Describe the process of next steps for pupils with EHCPs
  • Take part in at least 2 more employer led activities (visits to workplaces, guest employers, public services etc.)
  • Update your CV
  • Complete a job application
  • Participate in a mock interview
  • Take part in a work experience opportunity where appropriate
  • Visit at least one local College of Further Education
  • Speak to at least one apprenticeship provider
  • Speak to at least one Higher Education provider
  • Discuss your plans for the future with a qualified Careers Adviser and draft a Careers Action Plan
  • Decide on a first and second choice option for post-16 education or training
  • Complete applications and interviews for your first and second choice post-16 options
  • List two go-to people who can support if plans need reviewing post 16.

Where possible we will accredit this through AQA unit awards.

Contact Us

Lime Hills Academy
Pound Lane
BS48 2NN
Second Address
Winterstoke Hundred Academy
Beaufighter Road
BS24 8EE
Contact Us
Lime Hills Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590