The British values fall into the following broad areas.
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We promote these values is in order to ensure that young people leave school understanding the importance of respect and are prepared for life in modern Britain.
We are values driven and promote the CLF Heart Values:

… as well as our own school values.

We use the language of Respectful and Safe are Lime Hills to inform our approach to behaviour and relationships. We promote British Values through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which is central to the school’s curriculum and supports the development of the ‘whole child’ and particularly the SEMH student.
Here are some of the ways British Values are embedded in the school community.
- Students understand the Respectful and Safe code of conduct.
- Restorative approach to negative behaviours and student led natural consequences to put things right.
- All students follow a PSHE curriculum primarily through Jigsaw:
BM (Being Me in My World) 'Who am I and how do I fit?' and
CD (Celebrating Difference)
Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique.
- Class votes for reward activities or trips.
- Students form part of the interview process for new staff.
- The ability to communicate is the most important area of learning. We ensure that all pupils are given a ‘voice’ through informal and formal student voice and that oracy is a key focus of the way we learn.
- We empower our pupils by giving them the opportunity to make equal value choices on a daily basis.
The Rule of Law
- The school ethos and curriculum encourage respect and helps students distinguish right from wrong.
- Respectful and Safe is displayed in all classes and around the school. Staff regularly refer back to these when rewarding and recognising pupils for positive behaviours or for reminding of our values.
- Restorative approach to negative behaviours and student led natural consequences to put things right.
- Students understand the Respectful and Safe code of conduct.
- Working with local PCSO’s who run regular ‘question times’ with students.
- All students follow a PSHE curriculum primarily through Jigsaw:
HM (Healthy Me)
Being and keeping safe and healthy.
- Understand that there are laws to protect them in society and if they are broken, there are consequences.
- Understanding own responsibility to follow rules that benefit themselves and the Lime Hills and wider community.
Individual Liberty
- Students understand the Respectful and Safe code of conduct.
- All students follow a PSHE curriculum primarily through Jigsaw:
BM (Being Me in My World) 'Who am I and how do I fit?'
CD (Celebrating Difference)
Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique
DG (Dreams and Goals)
Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this
HM (Healthy Me)
Being and keeping safe and healthy
RL (Relationships)
Building positive, healthy relationships
CM (Changing Me)
Coping positively with change
- Recognition and rewards
- Are supported to make positive behaviour choices.
- Community visits and projects, to help individuals understand their role in the community and the individual liberties that need to be respected within a community.
Mutual Respect
- The school ethos and curriculum encourage respect and helps students distinguish right from wrong.
- Respectful and Safe is displayed in all classes and around the school. Staff regularly refer back to these when rewarding and recognising pupils for positive behaviours or for reminding of our values.
- Staff model unconditional positive regard and respectful behaviour towards each other and students building a culture of respect across the whole school population.
- All students follow a PSHE curriculum primarily through Jigsaw:
CD (Celebrating Difference)
Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique
RL (Relationships)
Building positive, healthy relationships
- Staff use PLACE language with students. Playful, Love, Accepting, Curious, Empathetic (Dan Hughes)
- Students are encouraged to understand consequences and rewards; with a focus on natural consequences rather than detentions etc.
- Interventions and therapies such as SALT/ Talkabout/ 5 point scales support students to use their voice and spend more time regulated and engaged.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
- Offensive language and stereotypes are always challenged.
- Ensuring that resources used such as books and toys reflect the multi-cultural nature of Britain.
- Positive examples from across different faiths and beliefs used as part of lessons and learning and in particular in the Religious education curriculum.
- Ensuring that resources used in lessons reflect the multi-cultural nature of modern Britain.
- Pupils are encouraged to experience British culture and values through our curriculum themes. Pupils visit a wide range of different venues.
- All students follow a PSHE curriculum primarily through Jigsaw:
BM (Being Me in My World) 'Who am I and how do I fit?'
CD (Celebrating Difference)
Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique