Why do we like the internet?
- It is interesting and fun.
- We can learn a lot from the internet.
- We use it for our school work.
What is Online Safety?
- To keep you safe when using online platforms so you can enjoy,explore and have fun.
What are the dangers of children going online?
- Online bullying – nasty text messages, emails, group chats.
- People on the internet can pretend that they are someone else.
- People could ask you for personal information, which is dangerous.
Why do we need an Online-safety policy?
- To keep children safe whilst also having fun using the internet at home and at school.
How does Lime Hills Academy keep students safe when they use the internet at school?
- The school maintain anti-virus software to keep viruses away
- We have internet filters to keep us from seeing inappropriate con- tent.
- The schools keeps laptops and Wi-Fi access secure.
- Regular PHSE/JIGSAW reminders about social media use.
If you have a problem when you are online what should you do?
- Keep calm and try an ignore the person.
- Block and report anyone that is being unkind.
- Check your privacy settings.
- Report anything that worries you to an adult
- Keep all messages as evidence.
What should you not do?
- Do not keep worries to yourself.
- Do not respond back and be unkind to anybody.
Who can you tell if you are worried about yourself or someone else?
- Friends,
- Family,
- Teachers and your Head of Year.
What our school does to respond to Online Safety Issues?
- We take online safety matters seriously.
- We listen to the children involved and offer support.
- We investigate and look at evidence and gives sanctions.
- We may contact parents/carers.
- We encourage students to block and report using the report content button on the student navigator page.
Our Internet Rules:
- We never share our passwords or personal information with anyone else.
- We need to tell a grown up if we see or hear something that makes us upset or worried.
- We will never send anything that could be unpleasant or nasty.
- When we send emails or use social media apps we are polite and friendly.
- We will have more conversations with our parents/carers about what we are doing online and do our best to spend less time on our phones.
How should we act on the Internet?
S – Keep your personal information SAFE and Secure.
M – Do not agree to meet anyone from the Internet: they may not be who they say they are.
A – Do not ACCEPT messages or emails from somebody you don’t know.
R – Remember, do not always trust the information you find on the Internet: it may not be correct.
T – If something or someone upsets you on the Internet TELL a trusted adult in school or at home.