All children at Lime Hills Academy have the right to be safe and be treated with dignity, respect and privacy at all times so as to enable them to access all aspects of learning and school life.
At Lime Hills Academy we are inclusive in our approach and will support children and families to make sure all children are able to participate in school who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained or who may be wearing nappies or equivalent.
This policy sets out clear principles and guidelines on supporting intimate care with specific reference to toileting. If should be considered in line with our Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety Policies, Administering of Medicines policy, and must be read in conjunction with dealing with bodily fluids guidance in Health and Safety manual under infection control.
Lime Hills Academy will ensure that:
No child’s physical, mental or sensory impairment will have an adverse effect on their ability to take part in day-to-day activities;
This covers any tasks that involves the dressing and undressing, washing including intimate parts, helping someone use the toilet, changing nappies or carrying out a procedure that requires direct or indirect contact to an intimate personal area.
The staff team at Lime Hills Academy works in partnership with parents/carers to provide care appropriate to the needs of the individual. Toilet training is seen as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support of all adults involved. Parents will be supported by the school to work in partnership towards their child’s toilet training unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time. If children require regular changing then a care plan will be created. The care plan will set out:
When intimate care is given, it will be by two members of staff (one is there in a supervisory capacity for safeguarding reasons), one member of staff tells a member of their team that they are providing intimate care and where they will be doing this.
The member of staff explains fully, to the child, each task that is carried out, and the reason for it. Staff encourage children to do as much for themselves as they can, lots of praise and encouragement will be given to the child when they are successful in any aspect of self-care. Staff will not apply creams but will support the child to do it themselves if medically necessary.
All staff have a full DBS check.
Particular staff members will typically be identified to change a child with known toileting and intimate care needs. Staff will record the date and time when a child has been given intimate care and this will be shared with parents/carers.
Staff are trained on the signs and symptoms of child abuse through annual Safeguarding training within the Cabot Learning Federation. If a member of staff is concerned about any physical or emotional changes, such as marks, bruises, soreness, distress etc. they will inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer (DSLO) immediately.
If a child makes an allegation against a member of staff, the Principal must be informed immediately and the procedure set out in the Safeguarding Policy will be followed.
Appropriate PPE will be used at all times, in line with guidance from Health and Safety teams. Urine, faeces, blood and vomit will be cleaned up immediately and disposed of safely in the appropriate bins. Nappy bins will be available when a child is still wearing nappies. When dealing with body fluids, staff wear protective clothing, disposable plastic aprons and gloves and wash themselves thoroughly afterward. Soiled children’s clothing will be bagged to go home– staff will not rinse it. Children will be kept away from the affected area until the incident has been completely dealt with.
All staff maintain high standards of personal hygiene, and will take all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infection.
This policy aims to manage risks associated with toileting and intimate care needs and ensures that employees do not work outside the remit of their responsibilities set out in this policy.
Signed Lis Jolley
Date: 12/3/23